
Can i protect 1 EA with multiple Indicators inside 1 Project?

What is Vendor Panel?

What is ML Engine?

What is a Revision?

What does Reprocess mean?

Who is User?

Who is Vendor?

What is a Project?


I have initiated a subscription and i see as expiration date todays or tomorrows date, whats wrong?

How do i subscribe for premium/professional membership?

Do you accept Liberty Reserve?

Do you offer discounts for me?

Is the price for Lifetime?

Which payment processors do you accept?


Do i have to submit my source-code?

What can i when my Project does not act like original after converting to ML?

What is Premium Support?


Why are DLL Files over 10MB?

Does MQLLock collect any information?

What are minimum requirements?

Can i close my account?

Is there a way that your product does NOT close the chart if the license is not accepted?

I do see my AUTH inside .mq4 comments, cant my clients see this?

Do you support iCustom()?

I have problems to execute showmycid.exe on Windows Server 2008, how can i fix this?

Can i host MqlLock files myself?

Why do i have to supply you include (*.mqh) files?

Replace function let all previous revisions expire, why?

Why is backtest slower then original one?

What is mll.dll?

Do i have to update my Project everytime ML has new Version?

How can i delete my Licence Details such as Password, Receipt from my PC?

Can i delete my original source code?

Am i allowed to change my MQL Source Code behind a project?

How can i change the url behind the lock symbol on Chart?


Why do i get "licensing server unavailable" message?

Can i bulk load my existing clients to MQLLock somehow?

Can a user have more then one licence?

Can i mix different licence types?

When does ML check Expiration, Hold checks?

Can i automate complete process using MQLLock?

What happens with my project if monthly subscription is interrupted?

Can i upgrade/downgrade from/to Premium / Professional anytime?

Can i convert multiple indicators under same Project?

Can i allow one specific computer to use my Project?


How often RemoteVar Variables updated?

API Access

What are the limits for API?

Auto Update

What are requirements for AutoUpdate?

Can i downgrade?

Does Autoupdate block trading?

Where do you take "Contact Support" button email address?

What does "Skip update" button do?

Who can use AutoUpdate Feature?